
HP Pro X2 612 G1 스피커 용

USD 12.98

HP Pro X2 612 G1 스피커 용

Physical product picture display
Dear  buyer:
Welcome to our store, please note as below:
1, please check my link productpictures and part numbercarefully before you purchase.
2, we need to confirm this motherboard is100% same with your originalmotherboard.
3, if you are not sure that, pleasesend your original motherboard picture to us. we will offer the 100% correct one for you.
4, we just want you know that , there aretwo versions motherboard of one model, if you bought a wrong version, you need to pay more shipping cost ( go and back)
Any way, if any questions you have, please feel free to contact our seller.

Test picture


Model Number : X2

Certification : NONE

Origin : Mainland China

Compatible Brand : Samsung

Brand Name : ASDFGHJK

Series : Pavilion
